There is something both comforting and haunting about the wail of bagpipes. It's really hard for me to put into words the feelings that they stir when I hear them. Feelings of happiness, sadness, fear, comfort and nostalgia...all circulate within this sonic whirlwind that the bagpipes generate. It's truly an awesome experience for me to hear them. No other instrument moves me in the same way.
City of Trees Pipes and Drums is a local band that is dedicated to promoting this wonderful tradition. They've played in a variety of venues throughout the Boise Valley and are becoming well known and well sought after. So much so that they are in the process of releasing a CD of their music.
They were in need of a formal group shot, which I was able to provide for them right after their recording session. The shoot went very well, but at the end I told them that the last frame was a "free-for-all" and they eagerly participated. Ironically, the free-for-all shot seems to be the favorite of the group...but it's the formal shot that will grace the cover. I plan to be first in line to buy my copy...order yours at